Infoinsurance: answers to your questions!

For more information about access mechanisms and services for auto or home insurance offered to Quebec’s consumers, visit the Having trouble getting insurance? page of

Having trouble getting auto or home insurance? Our Insurance Information Center offers advices and assistance to consumers.

Auto insurance… for all

Under Quebec’s Automobile Insurance Act, every owner of a vehicle traveling in Québec is required to purchase civil liability insurance for an amount of at least $ 50,000.

It is the Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA) which, under the law, guarantees access to this minimum liability insurance to all Quebec motorists.

Visit the Guarantee Access page of the GAA website for details on this service.

Home insurance: a choice

There is no legal obligation to have home insurance, as consumers are free to purchase or not this type of insurance. However, many mortgage lenders require their borrowers to have home insurance.

IBC offers, in collaboration with its members, a service that helps consumers who aren't able to find home insurance. This service to access home insurance is handled by the Insurance Information Center.

Steps to take advantage of this service

To take advantage of this service, you must first contact an Insurance Information Centre agent to verify that you are in fact eligible for this service. If so, the agent will let you know how to proceed. Among other things, the agent will ask you:

Note that agents can help you find a company to insure your home, but will not interfere to negotiate your premium.

Some restrictions apply…

In all cases where failure to get home insurance is the result of a previous false declaration (at the time of the subscription or a claim), of a fraud or of a criminal record for an insurance related crime, the Insurance Information Center will not provide the access service.